192 ! 11,000 !" #$%&'()*+,- #./0 1 1 ! "#$%& '( ) *+ ,-. Hello. How are you? Long time no see. See you! Bye now. Hi. I m Kenji. Nice to meet you. I don t speak English very well. !" #$ % How s business? &' ()%*+,-. Thank you very much. /0$ 12 I m very sorry about that. 345 -. Happy birthday! 36 -. 2 / % 0#+(& 123 4+(56 How are you feeling? 78 9: (; < = I know how you feel. >1 ?@ A, Hang in there! BCDE F ,<G HIJK Are you free tonight? LM < = Would you like to go out for dinner with me? NO%P Go straight on this street2 Q RS= Please go ahead and eat. NT UC Akina, this is Bob. Bob, this is Akina. V ,= Do you know anything about WXY Z[% ", 7#( 8 \]^J_ ` ab=cd ef <ghij" ,k \lm`in " 0o$ # dE d- Bp= %q ,k \r+$q0E< #s0 tu v k 3 4 "5 678 9:;< "5 !"#$" % &'(") 193 !" $ 7,700 !" #$%&'()*+,- #./0$1 9:;:<-=> ?@ ABCD EFG:HIJKLMNOP Q 1 RS 14+T UVWXKYZ[\ ]^ F Vwxy zYd/{S |} y~ o ,= 0 y F=<G% |} =(B} <|} ,=d _ ]_I] 0 =( p, J¡¢J£ ¤¥¦ §¨JB©ª,=L« =(%q=¬ ® ¯8°±%²!xE ³ ´G< d- eµq|} 7#( 8 \Vwxy `Vd¶· ¸0 y¹ F= ^º»§_ ¼½ ,k ¾¿ÀÁ xy _ ÂKÃ`£KÄÅ !ÆÇ ,k \RS=ÈdÆ È ^É Ê Ë `̹Íqxy ]ÎÃÏ `ÐÑJ Ò`ÓJ Ò` Ô ÁÕÖ ×% o=cdB ,k Ø91Ø